Wouldn’t you like to know how long people stay on your website? Where they come from? What pages they are looking at the most? Seems almost impossible, doesn’t it? With the tracking analytics programs, it’s quite possible.

Most web hosts offer tracking information, but it can be hard to look through if you aren’t used to it. Here’s what you should be looking for:

–”Bounce rate”
You might discover that you have a lot of visitors, but you might also discover that most of them leave one minute. If visitors aren’t staying on your site, you need to find out why.

–Amount of time spent on each page
If most of your visitors are spending 15 minutes on your “About Me” page and 2 minutes on your product pages, are you surprised your profits aren’t as high as you like? Perhaps your “About Me” page has an introductory video on how you create your products, and your customers would like to see that on the product pages.

It can be possible that the keywords you are ranking for have nothing to do with your site. Being at the top of the search engines for “cat” isn’t going to drive business when you are trying to rank for “plumbing”. This can be a serious problem if you are relying on search engines to bring customers to you.

Once you’ve investigated the tracking, don’t forget to:
-Ask customers why they behave the way they do, via a survey or a quiz.
-Be willing to make changes to the website where needed.

Website tracking is so important because it gives us the truth of our website. It tells you what is working and what isn’t working so you can make the appropriate changes to make your business better than ever. For a more in-depth article on what tracking can do for you Click Here

David Carleton is a San Diego Local Business Marketing Consultant who specializes in showing small business owners how to spend less and get more from their marketing and advertising using low cost strategies in local business marketing, lead generation and conversion, Internet marketing and social media. To download a copy of the free report, “7 Steps to Website Success”, go to http://LocalBusinessMarketingSuccess.com

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