What’s a good way to get people to give you their contact information? Consider this: anyone visiting your site needs information. However they find your site, they have a problem or a concern and they’d love to find out that you have just what they’re looking for. They would gladly provide some of their contact details so they can get answers. But how can you do that without the usual “enter your contact information here”? Give them a quiz.

A quiz is a quick, fun way to engage customers in thinking about the topic they are already interested in, while helping you to catch leads. It doesn’t have to be long or detailed; in fact it is better if it is not. Quizzes can be excellent, free market research. Asking questions can reveal answers that may help your other marketing campaigns.

When can you use a quiz?

  • To grant access to a free report
  • When a visitor arrives at your site or leaves, as a pop-up
  • As a requirement to opt-in to your newsletter
  • As a sidebar on one or all of the pages on your websites

Website visitors enjoy quizzes because the answers are right there as soon as the quiz is completed, so there is a small feeling of gratification even if they haven’t yet found what they were looking for on your site. A quiz keeps the window of opportunity open and gives you more time to offer real solutions to whatever customers are looking for.

Creating quiz marketing online can take a learning curve, but crafting one can be a nice change from the usual marketing activities. Remember to be respectful of a visitor’s time and take care to have fun with the quiz yourself, too. More information on quizzes and how they can help your business can be found Here

David Carleton is a San Diego Local Business Marketing Consultant who specializes in showing small business owners how to spend less and get more from their marketing and advertising using low cost strategies in local business marketing, lead generation and conversion, Internet marketing and social media. To download a copy of the free report, “7 Steps to Website Success”, go to http://LocalBusinessMarketingSuccess.com

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