We are constantly inundated with advertising messages from the time we get up in the morning until the time we go to sleep. You are probably aware of that in your day, but as a business owner you face the challenge of wanting your business to stand out among the rest. Press releases are a free way to do this; publicize your company in news and cultural publications, and they can be easy to create. Depending on where they are published, you can even get a nice amount of backlinks for your website. Here are three tips to get you started:

1.) Be newsworthy
Every business wants to be on the front page, on the top of the search results, etc. If you have not done work on what is unique about your business, that needs to be done first because a press release plays up that unique selling point. Have a valid reason that customers and prospective customers should care about your business at this particular time.

Because of the time factor, press releases are especially effective if you are publicizing an event, particularly true if your event will benefit the community-at-large in some way.

2.) Write a strong headline
A great headline will help you in two places: when the editor/publisher reads your press release and decides whether to publish it, and again when the public reads your press release.

3.) Remember that the press release is not an advertisement
Sometimes business is about establishing relationships and building your brand. A hard sell in press release marketing is the best way to make sure the press release never gets published. When people trust you, they will feel comfortable buying from you, so a press release is a strong way to get that process running.

For more pointers on press releases, we’d be pleased if you joined us Here

David Carleton is a San Diego Local Business Marketing Consultant who specializes in showing small business owners how to spend less and get more from their marketing and advertising using low cost strategies in local business marketing, lead generation and conversion, Internet marketing and social media. To download a copy of the free report, “7 Steps to Website Success”, go to http://LocalBusinessMarketingSuccess.com

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