What is a referral? It’s simply word of mouth. If you like something, you talk about it. When someone needs something that you know is great, you recommend what you know. For businesses who would like referral business from their clients, the trick is to keep themselves in their client’s thoughts. Doing an excellent job and providing excellent service is one way to do that, but what next? How about postcard marketing?

Postcard marketing is yet another way to build your business, but this time the focus is not so much on selling product as following up with customers and maintaining a relationship with clients. Postcards, and greeting cards in some cases, can be an unusual way to keep a customer. You can use them to keep yourself in customers’ thoughts, and position yourself for a referral should the case arise.

Postcards can be carefully chosen to convey the emotion you’d like your customers to have when they see it. You can publicize discounts and sales, but the best part about postcard marketing is that you can provide value to your customer in a way that is slightly unusual for a business. That means birthday postcards, postcards with targeted yet lighthearted messages to say hello, and any other occasion you can think of. Behaving this way will surprise and delight your customers, because they aren’t used to getting things from companies that aren’t about making a purchase.

If done consistently, the customer will think favorably of you and your business, which has a number of benefits. Principal among them is the possibility that they mention you to contacts and friends on their own, or when someone asks them to recommend someone to solve their problem.

Postcard marketing is a creative way to keep your business on customers’ minds.

Now I’d like to show you the postcard marketing product I use in my own business. I have been using it since 2007 and I love it.

If you have any clients, customers, patients or just friends and business associates, YOU should be using this tool. I cannot recommend it high enough.

Here’s a brief 3 minute video that introduces the product and then you can actually take a test drive of the system yourself for free.

Click here to watch the video: ==> Postcard Marketing Video.

I don’t do this very often, but on this product, I suggest that you buy it and start using it!

You’ll be glad you did.

David Carleton is a San Diego Local Business Marketing Consultant who specializes in showing small business owners how to spend less and get more from their marketing and advertising using low cost strategies in local business marketing, lead generation and conversion, Internet marketing and social media. To download a copy of the free report, “7 Steps to Website Success”, go to http://LocalBusinessMarketingSuccess.com