Local Business Marketing SuccessGoogle Webmaster Tools is a free service offered by Google for website owners. Website owners can add their sites to this platform to get regular updates on important information such as indexing status, search queries, and search appearance. There are also tips included inside the interface on how to optimize and increase the visibility of your website.

Chances are that you have never heard of this local business marketing strategy; that is unless you are personally handling your website and SEO operations. In most cases, small business owners are too busy running their day-to-day operations to become involved at this level of website management and monitoring.

However, it’s still good for you to have a basic understanding of this platform. Google Webmaster Tools provides a wealth of information about websites, such as a list of broken links, traffic statistics for individual keywords, links pointing to your site, statistics on how Google indexes your site, any errors on your site, domain preferences, and so much more.

This powerful platform is vital for search engine optimization efforts because it helps you see your website as Google sees it. For instance, you can see trends over time with the viewing data with change feature. You can even add and view sitemaps, remove any URLs, and find issues with your site’s title tags and meta descriptions.

If you would like to check out Google Webmaster Tools first-hand (just be sure to let your webmaster know before you do anything), set your site up on it and take a look around. Once you create an account, you can log into the dashboard and add your site.

The platform may seem confusing at first, but once you explore around for a while, it will become more familiar to you overtime. Be sure to read or watch any tutorials in their help section that will teach you some of its specific features and functionalities.

Again, doing this may not be your cup of tea – and that’s fine. It’s probably best that you leave it in the hands of whoever is handing your website’s management and SEO. If you don’t currently have anyone and don’t think you have the time or skills to dedicate to it, consider hiring a professional online marketing consultant or search engine optimization specialist.

However, if you are a do-it-yourselfer, Google Webmaster Tools is definitely something to pay attention to and become familiar with.

Need help with Google Webmaster Tools?  Contact us to learn more David@StreetSmartSalesAndMarketing.com or call 858-442-3131